MaxIEmizer 1.20
Maximizes new Internet Explorer, Outlook Express and Netscape Navigator windows. Minimizes pop up windows.
DevSolutions FTP 1.0
DevSolutionFTP support and major Supports multiple uploading/downloading of files to and from the FTP server. SSL (Secure Socke…
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Home > Navigation bar software

eSearch for eBay 2.0
Finds rare and bargain eBay auction Enter search information ONCE and then monitor eBay as often as you like! Search for hundreds…
Document Import Kit for SharePoint 2003 5.2
DocKIT v5.1 allows users to import files/documents into SharePoint Portal Server 2003 SQL store Document/Picture Libraries under various…
Novel Flash Screen Saver 3.5
This program is a screen saver that plays a Flash movie of your choice. You can select a Flash movie from your hard disk or from the…

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