Display Resolution Manager 3.7
Disputing display resolution and brightness options with your colleagues or kids? Stop the squabbles with this program! This is a utility…
UsenetGrab! 3.8
UsenetGrab! has a browser like approach that makes it a great way to get started using the world's largest message community.-Comes with…
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Home > Web traffic statistics software

Ms. Parkman 1.1
This is a re-make of well-known Pac-Man game. It has a lot of improvements, such as new hi-color graphics. Also here you'll find 15 new…
Backup Magic 1.6.4
Backup Magic is a simple, fast and compact backup & file copy utility for power users and system admins. Includes lightweight console mode…
NutriGenie Lower High Blood Pressure 4.4a
This software is based on the report of the Joint National Committee on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure. It is…

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