Fox Hunting 1.0
Are you a minesweeper maniac? Then you've got to check out this game. Absolutely new idea. Nice interface with The goal of a gam…
Tree MDI 3.65
Tree MDI uses GRML, CSV and delimited files and web pages. It reads, displays, edits, and saves in each format. A tree control displays…
Example:  KaZaA
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Home > Dvd convertor software

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Home > Dvd convertor software

ACProtect standard 1.20
ACProtect is an application that allows you to protect Windows executable files(PE files) against piracy. Using public keys encryption…
DesktopX 3.0
Use DesktopX to enhance your standard desktop icons; animate your desktop; put calendars, weather objects, MP3 players, performance…
RASMaster 1.10
RASMaster combines an Internet reconnection tool, IP Notifier, DialUp Scheduler, and Keep-Alive tool into a single easy-to-use utility.

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