Yapp the project calculator 2.0
Yapp the project calculator, Keep track of what to do and who's doing it. Rule based planning allows you to get some real help and not only…
3D Psycho Clock Screensaver 1.0.0.
This 3D Clock Features are: Specially designed 3D atmosphere, Unique sound environment, 3D animations, Adjustable 3D settings, Cameras…
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Home > Case management software

WinOrganizer 3.0
Feel the calming wisdom that comes from having your every bit of data organized in a coherent tree-outline form. This full-scale personal…
Crypto Anywhere - OpenPGP Edition 2.0
Secure Email .Standalone or integrated with Outlook Express. Can decrypt and encrypt messages to friends using PGP, OpenPGP, SecExMail and…
Penguin Puzzle 1.0
Penguin Puzzle is a lovingly crafted puzzle game with a unique look and sound. This game just bursts with addictive game-play! A game for…

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