ABF Photo Camera 1.01
ABF Photo Camera is an extremely useful capture application. It allows you to easily make a real photo studio from your web cam or other…
Zip Backup to CD 3.18
Zip Backup to CD distributes the files to be backed up in several stand alone Zip files of a size fitting a standard CD (CD-R) or a size…
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Home > Developement tool software

1st Contact 3.02
A simple to use, yet powerful contact manager with auto-dial, email and web capabilities. Enter personal and business information for each…
MyABCD 2.9.1
MyABCD is an animated, educational, children's program which includes the alphabet, numbers to 20, 18 simple games and 10 musical…
Snow In The Park 1.0
A Beautiful snow scene in the park. The snow falls on your screen. Soft music plays in the background. You can turn the music off.The snow…

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