Models Screensaver 1.5
This screensaver shows qualitative images of beautiful women in the You'll see: Claudia Shiffer, Cindy Crowford, Carmen Electra, Pame…
XLRDocBuilder for Windows 1.0
Easily build and maintain either online and offline HTML-based documents in several formats (XLR, XML, Automatically import HTMLs and…
Example:  ACDSee
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WordZap Deluxe 6.00
WordZap(R) 6.00 is a Shareware word game where you race your computer opponent to create the most unique words from a given set of letters…
NN50.DLL 5.0
Artificial Neural Networks are computational paradigms which implement simplified models of their biological counterparts, biological…
IT Monitor 2.0
IT Monitor is the leading solution for monitoring every aspect of your LAN and WAN network. It proactively manages your network servers…

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