FingerCell Library EDK (Demo for WinCE) 1.2
FingerCell 1.2 Library EDK is intended for large biometric system projects using hardware, based on ARM processors. Includes FingerCell…
ABC Amber Text2Image Converter 2.02
An advanced tool to convert any your document to any graphics This software comes with a powerful embedded editor and supports a batc…
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Home > Eposide software

Docket 1.0
Docket takes the place of your paper lists and saves you time. Creating a to-do list or task list is easy with this program; just start…
Universal Reader 2.3
Learn how to speed read using Universal Reader. Universal Reader eliminates two common reading problems: regression and sub-vocalization…
SendToPager FREE 1.1
Send numeric and alpha-numeric messages from your PC to pagers and cell phones from the handy Windows application. Three contacts are…

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