Britney vs Kurnikova 4.3
This is a dazzling collection of images of Britney Spears and Anna Kurnikova, accompanied with high quality wallpapers, desktop clock and…
Visual Paradigm for UML (Professional Edition) for Java Platform 5.2
Visual Paradigm for UML is a UML modelling tool that supports full software lifecycle - object-oriented analysis, object-oriented design…
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Home > Harvester software

Cardfile index - cardfile program from Freedom Software 2.3
Cardfile index program. Windows software combining a PIM, contact manager, cardfile, Rolodex program to organize your information
Spinnaker Fuel Tax Program 3.08d
Spinnaker Fuel Tax is a program specifically written to ease the painstaking process of preparing your quarterly fuel taxes. It will work…
Enterprise IP - Address Manager 3.2.1b
Enterprise IP - Address Manager is an easy-to-use program for assigning, cataloging, and maintaining IP addresses and host data. This open…

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