WorldTimer 5.65.8
A fully configurable world clock that can display a number of clocks in different time zones. Features include a world map with day / night…
4t Explorer Sweeper 2.0
4t Explorer Sweeper clears browsing history such as cookies, temporary Internet files, index files, recently accessed files, URL's, search…
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Home > Adobeacrobat software

Converter Pro 3.22
Converter Pro comes with a database that contains the most important conversion factors to convert length, area, volume, mass, force…
Spam Filter for Outlook 1.2
Spam Filter utilizes the latest technology which learns from spammers messages and continually adjusts itself to protect your mailbox…
Happy Note! Sing 'n Learn Bass Clef ABC 1.12
From 2 to 17 different notes in Bass Clef, 32 free music reading lessons to learn at your own pace. Hear and sing (or read) the notes at…

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