Reallusion FaceFilter - Photo Editor 1.0
Fine-tune facial images for perfect Quickly and easily enhance, repair and adjust facial images in digital photos. FaceFilter l…
12Ghosts ProfileCopy 7.10
Administer Windows user profiles. This includes user defined settings, like your wallpaper, sound schemes, desktop icons, start menu items…
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Home > Cybergambling software

Gin Rummy by MeggieSoft Games 2006
A very comprehensive implementation including Hollywood and Oklahoma variations. Play against an online opponent or against your computer…
MP3 and WAV Solutions 1.1
Converts MP3 files easily and quickly into WAV files and back. Convert many files with one click. You can change the sample rate of WAV…
Web Work Order 2.4
Web Work Order is a browser based system for processing work orders from start to completion. Create work orders and assign them to staff…

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