Ingo's Chess Office for You 0.0.2
A Collection of Chess Tools.
NFL Forecaster 7.15
Ranks NFL teams & predicts winners & spreads. Requires only 10 minutes to input game scores. 65% accuracy over 1 seasons (71% in 1998)…
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Home > Speech to text software

Easy Imager 2.1
Convert images to other formats and sizes, print text on pictures, import from TWAIN devices, capture screen shots, change Desktop…
Product Scope 32 PRO 5.0
Resourceful Internet Bookmark program and Comparative Shopping. Spreadsheet Option. Database convenience for tracking product…
Euchre and Ecarte by MeggieSoft Games 2006
MeggieSoft Games Euchre and Ecarte is a comprehensive implementation of two card games: Ecarte and Euchre (the two-player version). Play…

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