TSE Pro 4.4
TSE Pro v4.4 for Windows. Compact, fully-featured text editor. Undo/Redo; Multiple files/windows; color syntax hiliting; regular…
ColorPicker 2.0
ColorPicker.dll is a free and easy way to add a "color capture" control to your application. This library helps your users to pick RGB…
Example:  ACDSee
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Home > 642 103 test questions software

Brixout XP 2.5
Brixout XP is the best fast-action block-smashing 3D game of the Arkanoid and Breakout family. The game features an advanced 3D engine…
Moraff UltraBlast 6.50
If you like Breakout then you will love Ultra Blast. Start with the simple solid wall mode then slowly move up towards the expert and…
Enforcer 6.2
Enforcer provides security for systems that are accessible to many people and require a consistent configuration and a consistent, limited…

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