Spin Around 1.2
Spin Around is a variation of the classical align three coloured balls. You can move a row of balls at time, but you can also rotate the…
Nick, the Robot : Sokoban V1.03
Poor Nick. He has been assigned the job to put boxes to the places they need to be. And there are so many ! And the worst is : Nick can…
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Home > Employee software

Notesbrowser 1.6
Notesbrowser is a popular freeware tool that combines a organizer and notes manager. You can easily enter and auto save notes, info…
Colorful Child 1.2
CHILD FRIENDLY-PARENT CONTROLLED-COMPUTER SAFE: Giving your child a head start! Coloring book and sketchpad program for children ages 0-12…
CDBFlite 1.15
The CDBFlite program allows users to work with .DBF files format from command line. You can carry out various actions, which…

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