Bible Plus 1.0
Freeware popup KJV Bible program. Superfast lookup. Both Old and New Testaments. Totally free - no nags. Works with all versions of…
PBX Call Tarifficator Pro 2.3
PBX Call Tarifficator Pro is a call accounting and billing system, which helps you to manage all the telephone traffic via your office…
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Home > Encoder software

Multi Maze Mountain 2 1.1b
Multi Maze Mountain is a computergame dealing with the multiplication You are trapped in a maze and you have to find the door to ex…
SDE for Eclipse (PE) for Mac OS X 1.1 Professional Edition
SDE for Eclipse is a UML tool tightly integrated with Eclipse. You can draw UML diagrams (class, use case, sequence ...) in Eclipse…
Geometry 1.1
Calculate geometry figures as spheres, triangles, cones, trapezoids, circles and right cylinders. Also, it has an application in…

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