ColorSwap 3.0
ColorSwap will help you with object isolation and re-coloring while keeping shadows and lighting effects on your still images. Want to…
Hookworm 2000 1.1
Hookworm 2000 is the classic arcade worm-like game, a throw back to the early days of arcade! The game goal is to operate the moving worm…
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Home > Caption software

Anonymizer Privacy Analyzer 1.0.3
Anonymizer Privacy Analyzer is your personal private detective. Anonymizer Privacy Analyzer counts and displays all privacy threats like…
Actual Window Decorations 2.0
Make windows easy to use and attractive! Add transparency effects, rollup action and title buttons! Add handy new "Minimize to Tray," "Stay…
Access Image 4.60
Access Image is image editing tool that offers a big set of painting and drawing Features include dockable toolbars, special effects…

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