Open QueryBuilder 4.01
Freeware with full source The Open QBuilder (OQBuilder) is a simple "visual query builder". You can use OQBuilder in your Delphi and…
32-bit RYSO EasyThumbs 1.01
RYSO EasyThumbs helps you quickly and easily prepare your image collections(thumbnail galleries) to be published on the web. This tool…
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Speed Dial for Phone Cards 2.03
SD automates the dialing of phone numbers via phone card providers. The program holds your card access numbers and PIN codes together with…
Zip & Email 1.4
Zip & Email is a small utility that allows you to email files from Windows Explorer instantly. The files can be automatically packed using…
Seamless Workshop plug-in 1.20
Composes seamless tile from any image. Powerful tool for texture creators.

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