Pennsylvania Birth Certificates 4.0.38
Pennsylvania birth certificates database - Find Pennsylvania birth certificates instantly with our search engine.Get certified copies of…
Matching Hearts 1.0
Exclusive offer for OS5/HiRes users. Absolutely free palm game - Matching Hearts. Amazing game graphics and sound effects will win your…
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Home > Based software

FolderInfo 2.17.4
Disk usage analyzer. FolderInfo can be used as a tool for listing directories and contents and has some other useful functions.
Subject Search Siter 5.0
Your personal intelligent Web agent which investigates Web sites looking for your search phrase in 37 languages and finds information that…
AutoTask 2000 Task Scheduler 3.68
AutoTask 2000 is a task scheduler designed specifically for Windows. AutoTask can be ran as a service or as a desktop application in the…

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