PaneCutter hu 1.2
A PaneCutter program a lap alaku alapanyagok (lamináltlap, MDF lap, üveglap, fémlemez, stb.) vágási tervének autómatikus…
CryptoExpert 2005 PE 6.02
CryptoExpert mounts a volume file to create a "virtual drive" that appears to applications and users like any other physical drive. Any…
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Home > Office intercom software

Happy New Year Screen Saver 1.2
Happy New Year! This classic screen saver floats the phrase "Happy New Year!" around your screen. See exploding graffiti in the background…
Icons from File 3.2
Icon utility. Extracts icons or icon arrays from files (EXE, DLL, OCX, etc.) with ability to scan folders to search for EXE, DLL, OCX…
St. Patrick's Day Screensaver 2.0
Leprechauns move around, Shamrocks float, rotate and bounce, while a beautiful scene displaying a pot of gold is shown. All this and more…

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