Chaotic Chance Screensaver Manager 2.21
Chaotic Chance Screensaver allows you to manage the screensavers that are currently installed on your system. Using this program you can…
QPointer Keyboard 3.0
For people looking for an alternative pointing device, QPointer Keyboard provides unique capabilities of keyboard-only operation of the…
Example:  KaZaA
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1.Registry Pro 2.2.6 ( free  Registry Pro download
Registry Pro is an activeX control that gives developers easy and complete access to the power of registry programming. Works with VB, VBA and all other ActiveX and COM DLL supporting languages. Includes a detailed help file, comprehensive example programs, royalty-free re-distributable setup program and…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 42 | Author: David Evans | Size: 1765 kb | Shareware
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PAL PC Spy Protects, Controls and Monitors everything that happens on your PC and online.
The ultimate Database Editor/Utility.dbfUtils is a convenient, full-featured utility for viewing, editing, modifying, converting and…
Graphic Accounts 1.3
A powerful personal financial planning and budgeting tool . Dynamic dual-chart display. Adjust all amounts with easy-to-see spin controls…

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