TreeDraw Viewer 2.21
TreeDraw Viewer is a freeware utility for displaying and printing genealogy chart files created with TreeDraw V2 or later. It works with…
CheckOsVer 1.02.1
CheckOsVer is small, free program which will report your Operating System Version and also the version of the Windows Common Controls…
Example:  KaZaA
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Home > Chat acronyms software

Business Reports 1.0
Compilation of over 100 'How To' reports, time-saving tips, personal self-help, and money-saving ideas for small business owners. Dozens of…
8mm2avi 1.4
8mm2avi for Windows allows acquiring Super8 and Regular8 mm film strips, converting them into frames and making AVI, using standard codecs…
CHMUnpacker 1.3
CHMUnpacker can export any types of files from Compiled Windows HTML Help file(*.chm).it can manage CHM like a zip file,you can run the…

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