SiteSpinner 2.5
SiteSpinner is an affordable, easy to use drag-and-drop website creation tool with text editing, image and graphics editing, an FTP…
Access Developer Application Architect 1.04
Access Alternative for MS Switchboard, table driven with example code. Sample forms, lookup searching examples. Use to Proto-type and then…
Example:  KaZaA
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Home > 70 330 study guides software

Boulder Panic! 2 DX 1.1
A unique gravity based puzzle game that's simple to learn but with difficulty levels that make it a great challenge as the game progre…
User Directories for IIS 1.0
User Directories for IIS is an IIS ISAPI Filter DLL that web enables your Windows user accounts. This functionality has long been available…
KIPPING's SpamDeleter 1.0
KIPPINGs SpamDeleter is a little program to cleanup POP3-Mailboxes from unwanted messages. Through a huge number of predefined filters…

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