SannySoft Caller ID 1.0
SannySoft Caller ID is a small utility, which uses your modem to determine Caller ID. It has a various number of alert types, so you can…
Enhanced PictureBox ActiveX control 2.0
An enhanced PictureBox control can display a graphic from a bitmap, icon, or metafile, as well as enhanced metafile, JPEG, and animated or…
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Home > Compbatant software

Homeopathy 3.5
The Homeopathy software data-bank lists homeopathic products by symptoms and by affliction. Cell Salts and Tongue Diagnostic are added for…
Commercial Jets 3.10
15 different commercial jet aircraft randomly fly across your screen in this airplane screensaver. Set which planes you would like to see…
Mini Golf Challenge 2002 2.02
Putt your way through 18 holes in this all original classic miniature golf game, but don't expect to master it on your first try!

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