Kform Project Manager 2.5.0
Kform Project Manager Software is computer software for use in manufacturing, estimating, scheduling, job tracking, project management, and…
WorkTime 3.16.8
Versatile project tracker that surveys the time you spent working with your PC. WorkTime gathers statistics about projects you worked with…
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Home > Modified software

Winrental SC 324.00
Advanced point of sale multi-terminal software for video rental It maintains customers, inventory and rental / sales information…
LaunchPad Event Scheduler 3.21
LaunchPad is a task scheduler for Windows. You can run those onerous, oft-put-off tasks after normal operating hours, like disk…
Professional News Ticker Applet 3.2
News Ticker Vertical news ticker applet. Customizable fonts, color, alignment. Configurable Back image position. Easy to use…

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