Diary Book 1.7
Diary Book allows you to write a diary on your computer. There is a diary editor, events reminder, alarm clock, address book , picture…
smtp activex, smtp component, smtp control 4.3.1
ActiveX SMTP / POP3 Email Component with S/MIME for signed and encrypted mail, HTML mail, Auto-Zip and Unzip attachments, XML i…
Example:  Norton Antivirus
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Blaster lite 1.0
A cool and tough free game that will make you spend many hours playing and enjoying it. Defend your little universe by shooting at the…
Easy Sticky Note 2.00
Have you ever placed little sticky notes on your monitor to remind yourself of upcoming events or things you need to do? Easy Sticky Note…
Advanced Security Control 2.1
ASC lets administrators set up rules for the local computer, defining when any program can be executed and by whom. You can control access…

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