Music Converter 1.0
Converts MIDI keys to frequencies and note numbers, scales knob values, calculates tuning frequencies, converts loop/delay time to BPM (and…
LightningMail 1.03b
LightningMail is a professional application for managing mailing lists. Messages can be personalized and may contain HTML code and dynamic…
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Home > Secrets software

Daewoo Lanos Screen Saver 1.0
The style is Italian. The structural design and engines are German. The safety engineering is British. Daewoo Lanos is a masterpiece of…
100% Word Search 2.2
Both create and play attractive wordsearch puzzles. Easy-to-use and powerful. Popular amongst teachers. Make puzzles in custom shapes…
Touch Wood 1.0
It's woodware, luckware, funware and above all it's freeware. Touch Wood is your virtual good luck companion. Whenever you wish…

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