Personal Ear Trainer 1.10
Ear Training for musicians: Intervals, Triads, Chords, Scales, Melody, Rhythm. Accelerate your musical development, hone your skills, take…
AddAce 2.0
Get web sites listed on search engines and keep close watch on rank with this software. Streamlines submissions using a "smart"…
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Home > Forgot password software

Coloring Book 2: Dinosaurs 4.1a
A second coloring book program from Dataware, but this time it's ALL dinosaurs! It has the same interface as the first Coloring Book with…
BpmChecker 3.0
Determine the tempo or BPM of a song or other piece of music by manually tapping along with the music, using your pc keyboard. Includes…
ResellerPower 3.70
ResellerPower is a powerful, yet an easy to use integrated solution that helps you sell more in less time. ResellerPower performs many…

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