FreeTextBox 1.6.3
The FreeTextBox control provides a WYSIWYG HTML editing environment for ASP.NET (Web Forms) Web pages. Visitors can edit text and click on…
Stamp Collection Wizard 1.01
Stamp Collection Wizard is a personal stamp collection database. Use it to record your collection and generate reports on value, country o…
Example:  KaZaA
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1.The Panorama Factory 4.2 ( free  The Panorama Factory download
The Panorama Factory creates high-quality panoramas in a highly automated fashion from a set of overlapping digital images. You can add image hotspots, export to VR formats and create web pages that link your images into virtual tours. The software also corrects for lens-induced distortions and creates either…
Updated: 2, 2006 | Rating: 7410 | Author: John Strait | Size: 4917 kb | Shareware
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Home > Cipher software

Visual Basic Api SourceBook Standard 1.0
More than 870 Visual Basic API references, easy declared exercises, and ready-to-use VB source codes. This product was made in…
SplineCalc 4.3.2
SplineCalc is multipurpose scientific calculator for implementation of various mathematical operations with maps (grids), data tables…
Email Remote Control 1.167
Email Remote Control allows you to monitor and contact your PC, receive files, appointments, personal contacts from your Home PC or work PC…

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