Advanced Ra-Renamer 1.2
Advanced Ra-Renamer renames your Real Media files using the internal tag present in this files changing them from their annoyingly…
Excel to PDF Converter 3.0
Excel to PDF Converter is a Excel Addin component/DLL that convert XLS to PDF, Excel document to PDF automatically.
Example:  ACDSee
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Home > Datei software

AAA Logo Software 1.21
This powerful and easy to use logo design software will help you to design professional logos for your website in minutes! Start with one…
AppPaths 2000 2.7
AppPaths is a small Control Panel extension that will allow you to edit various startup settings defined in the MS Windows System Registry…
Web Log Mixer 1.3
Merge and compress your ftp or web log files into a single file. Most log formats are supported as long as log files compressed with zip…

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