DevSolutions FTP 1.0
DevSolutionFTP support and major Supports multiple uploading/downloading of files to and from the FTP server. SSL (Secure Socke…
RunPos 1.0
Executes up to 8 applications and positions the windows in a user specified location. Multiple configurations can be stored as .RPS files…
Example:  KaZaA
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Home > Bzip2 software

Wildflower Meadows 2.0
Beautiful wildflower meadows show to an accompaniment of an acoustically based digital soundtrack, and all images are captioned.
Packet Sniffer SDK for Windows (VCL Edition) 2.1
Packet Sniffer SDK VCL component set are intended to use for network packets capture and packets generation tasks without using of…
X-Ray Image Maker V 1.0
X-Ray Image Maker is used to create animated interactive X-ray images for the web. This graphics software uses the Silk Webware FuseXRay…

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