XP Utilities Lite 1.0
XP Utilities Lite is a powerful and handy set of tools for your every day use, allowing you to control and modify your system safely and…
HotKey Magic 1.3.1
HotKey Magic helps you consolidate your most frequently used programs, files, and folders, into a single launch-pad. HotKey Magic puts…
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Home > Player software

Solitaires 5.1
Solitaires is a very large collection of solitaire card games. The current version (5.1) is made up of 367 different games, including all…
Network Auditor
Lets you determine exactly what hardware and software is installed on your network, and monitor this for faults and changes.
3D Battle Ground 1
3D Battle Ground is a power packed single player tank shooter. The challenge is to smash your way through 50 alien infested levels. Destroy…

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