Power Shutdown 4.0
Power Shutdown is an auto-shutdown It has 14 commands: Turn off the computer, restart the computer, log off, screen saver, sta…
SDE for JBuilder (SE) for Windows 3.2 Standard Edition
SDE for JBuilder is a UML plug-in for JBuilder. SDE supports reverse engineering (Java code to UML model), code generation (UML model to…
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Classic Solitaire (Zire, Tungsten, Treo 600) 1.1
Classic Solitaire is the most popular solitaire game. A minor change of the game rule makes the game more fun. The game can be paused at…
PDF-XChange Pro 3.5098
All you will ever need to create and manipulate Adobe PDF files from virtually any Windows software. Now allows users to embed 3D images in…
Only Roses Screen Saver 1.02
Only Roses, Nice Roses, Great Roses and Beautiful Roses. Only Roses screensaver contains pretty roses images - the high quality big size…

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