TimePunch 1.82.04
TimePunch offers you all the features you expect from a project time recording. Export to Microsoft Excel, HTML, Access and CSV. Project…
Noah's Ark Screen Saver 3.0
This screen saver combines a cute animation of Noah's Ark rocking on the water with 40 different wildlife sounds.
Example:  ACDSee
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Home > Chat server software

Audio CD Burner 1.50
With Audio CD Burner you can create your own custom music CDs that can be played in any standard home or car stereo. With Audio CD Burner…
Recipe Manager software: from Freedom Software 5.0
Recipe Manager is recipe software for your PC computer to organize your recipes and information: also a combined PIM, contact manager…
ubGridX 3.0.47
ubGridX is an standalone unbound grid which allows the user to edit cells using various mask including numeric only, date only, and provide…

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