Tetron 4.36
Multiplayer Tetris and Deathmatch over LAN, Play against bots or team up with other players and make alliances. Integrated chat…
Wordy 1.1
Wordy is a collection of word games for children and The suggested age range is 10 years and older. Up to four people can play the…
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Home > Valentines software

Rewards Multiply 2.02
An entertaining game that helps children learn their multiplication tables. The software motivates progress with prizes, teaches shortcuts…
Music Wizard Professional 7.2.0
Music Organizer, freedb support, MP3 encoder, MP3 cataloger, ID3-Tag Writer, Offline-CD-Archive with more than 800,000 CDs, Cover & Label…
blueshell Active Tables 3.00.0013
Use VB 5/6 as well as all the languages of .NET (like C#, VB.NET and J#) to connect to various databases including Oracle, MS SQL Server…

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