TradUtil 1.02b10
TradUtil is an editor and repair tool for the MetaStock 3.01 security format.
CppDoc 2.4
CppDoc generates HTML documentation for your C++ classes, based on your source code and special comments embedded within it. It supports…
Example:  KaZaA
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Home > Programmable software

TBS Mail List 6.00
TBS Mail List tracks names and addresses for people you correspond with, also keeps track of Christmas cards sent and received. Will print…
Membership Director 2.0
Manage club membership information. Tracks dues, committees, attendance, fundraising, member interests, awards, the club's finances, user…
UpdateGenie (for FileMaker) Win 2.0
Create and distribute update packages for your FileMaker solutions quickly and easily. With cross-version capabilities you can distribute…

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