Active Direct Mail 1.23
This easily configurable remailer was designed for quick, reliable and secure sending e-mails directly to recipients. This cost-effective…
BGMask Privacy Enhancer 1.22free
You have surely seen the games in those that you have to put a red or blue filter on an image to discover a secret message. BGMask allows…
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Home > Palm software

InfoMagic Extra 2.1.14
An Organizer for People Who Hate to Organize. A simple, freeform way to keep and quickly recall the bits of facts/data/ information that…
Arkanoid -The Virtual Isles 2.6
From the name of the game you can see that this is one of the countless remakes of the glorious Arkanoid. The game has new features, such…
Stealth KeySpy 2.0.0
Provides you · A reliable way to protect your kids online. · A powerful encryption utility for all your e-mails and personal documen…

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