Flash Renamer 4.81
Flash Renamer renames many files at once by applying rules such as case convert, sequential numbering & seach/replace. It's a time saver…
Enterprise Express Messenger 2.0.2
Enterprise Express Messenger is a complete instant messaging solution built to respond to enterprise specific real time internal…
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Auto loan calculators + 1.2
Confused by all the "hype" about rebates, low interest loans, or "Rule of 78" versus simple interest loans? This program includes most of…
IzyMail Online 1.5
IzyMail Online is a new eMail service to access AOL, MSN, Hotmail or Yahoo accounts with Outlook, Eudora, Pocket PC and others. Download…
Favorites Inspector 5.01
With Favorites Inspector, you can manage your Internet Explorer Favorites. The best part of Favorites Inspector is that it will verify…

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