Handy Service for Palm 1.5
Sales and Shopping on Palm, Job management, Work log tracking, Waiter Also useful for tracking other items and activities, i.e…
QuickStart 2.2.7
QuickStart is useful for those people, who find it very time consuming to go through the Start Menu every time. With this application, you…
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Home > Frontpage software

Pop-Up Stopper 3.10.1014
Block Netscape, Internet Explorer, Mozilla and desktop pop-up windows with the latest upgrade of this small tool, now with added support…
3D Button API 3.1
With this button engine (SDK) you can give a new fresh look to your windows, dialog boxes and forms, using your preferred shapes, 3D…
Androkids 1.2
It’s only fair that while you’re playing Android, your little one should get to play Androkids, Android’s kid counterpart. It’s a tiny bit…

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