Investment and Business Valuation 1.0
The Investment and Business Valuation template is ideal for evaluating a wide range of investment, financial analysis and business case…
ZMover 5.0
ZMover allows you to set the size, position, and layering of windows. You can modify windows on-the-fly or give ZMover a list of windows to…
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Home > Limit software

Active Dancer Strip Saver 1.33
Active Dancer Strip Saver is a free and unique software, the first and only free video screensaver featuring real strippers on your…
Financial Headline Viewer 1.8
Developed for viewing and auto updating Financial News Headlines. The design is better than most major vendors that cost high monthly fees…
Absolute memory 1.4
Absolute Memory is an exciting puzzle game. You should guess all pair cards for the time given. Flip over pairs of matching cards to find…

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