Redcoal Mobile Messenger 4.0
Redcoal Mobile Messenger. Just click the 'Send SMS' created by this easy-to-install program and send and receive SMS messages to your field…
2Know 2.0
The 2Know helps you remember numbers, such as phone numbers, by generating mnemonics consisting of word phrases. These phrases, and the…
Example:  KaZaA
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Home > Svg software

Logical Crossroads 1.42
Set of logical games. Includes Free Renju ( a variation of the well known Japanese board game), Bulls and Cows (guessing a number), Hanoi…
BlackMagic Home Edition 2.x
BlackMagic Home Edition is the quickest & easiest way to colorize Black & White, Sepia, or IR (infrared) photos, or for color-correcting/…
PacMania II 2.0
In PacMania we keep running through the intimidating labyrinth together with Pacman, eating the dots and hunting the evil monsters. The…

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