SkimStart 1.05
SkimStart is a powerful Windows utility program that helps you to have one-click access to all your favourite files. It helps you to…
Stored Procedure Proxy Generator 1.1
Stored Procedure Proxy Generator is automatic generation proxy utility of database stored procedures for simplifying calling stored…
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Home > Rs232 terminal software

MightyLinker 1.9
This powerful bookmark manager has unique features and innovative interface and will allow you effectively work with a big amount of links…
Cryptosystem ME6 7.31
Windows software for encryption and decryption of single files or multiple files in a single operation for secure storage or secure…
SDE for JDeveloper (CE) for Windows 3.2 Community Edition
SDE for JDeveloper is a UML CASE tool tightly integrated with JDeveloper. You can draw UML diagrams in JDeveloper, generate Java code from…

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