AnswerMyPhone 2.7
AnswerMyPhone lets you use your PC as an Answering Machine for your telephone. It supports multiple voice mail box and creation of simple…
Firework Screen Saver 1.1
Creators dedicate it to all firewokers. Though it is intended for everybody who likes holidays, bright fun and all the jazz.
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Home > Wma decoder software

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Home > Wma decoder software

OceanDive 1.2
OceanDive is a unique combination of a 3D marine life screensaver and a scuba diving exploration game
Archibald's Free Puzzle 1.2
An amusing, easy-to-play puzzle with several levels of difficulty. Easy installation and rules. The puzzle image can be chosen from among…
RasDial Pro 1.3a
A command-line remote access (dial-up networking) dialer for Windows 95 and above. It will allow you to dial and hangup a remote access…

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