Windows and Doors 1.00
This screen saver includes 59 copyrighted photographs by Izhar Perlman.The photographs show windows and doors in Portugal, with their…
Password Security Vault 2.0
Keep track of all your internet passwords and login names in a password protected MS-Access database file. All MS-Access® capabilities…
Example:  KaZaA
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Home > Regenumvalue software

Happy Harvester 2.1.3
Happy Harvester is an advanced tool that extracts data from web pages on the internet and can be used to extract descriptions, names…
GREPPES Text Tools 2.2
PDGREPPE : Pattern Definition GREP; FGREPPE : Fast Fixed GREP; Both edit Pattern matches in files; PDGREPPE uses Extended Regular…
Open+ Expert 2.1
Benefits: * Open your files with the applications you want, not what Windows wants. * Use multiple versions of programs, e.g., browsers…

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