Cross-Colors 1
Change the colors on a row or column, move them, and make the same color.
WindowBlinds 4.51
WindowBlinds allows you to change the style of title bars, buttons, the Start bar, toolbars and much more. Safely add thousands of new…
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Home > 310 015 test questions software

Softener 1.21
The Softener Photoshop plugin gives photos a soft, dreamy and glossy effect. Softener creates the soft focus effect used in romantic…
MomToBe: The Pregnancy Assistant 3.0
MomToBe Computerized Pregnancy Assistant. Prepare for Pregnancy. Calc the Due Date for the baby. Basal Body Temperature Chart…
Deep Six 1.2
Deep Six is a unique and challenging adaptation of an obscure children's card game. The object of Deep Six is to score as few points as…

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