dfg StockAlert XP 3.9.2
Receive free of charge real time data from stock exchanges. Receive an alert message (eMail, SMS on the cellular/handy phone) when stock…
SQLBoss Developer (Mac OS Classic) 1.6
SQLBoss Monitor and SQLBoss Developer - The ultimate Database & Content Management Tool for many SQL databases like mySQL, PostgreSQL…
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Home > Form tool software

Beautiful Springtime 1.0
Springtime scenes of beautiful wildflowers, lakes, mountains, skies all accompanied by an acoustically based digital soundtrack, and all…
AceReader Pro Deluxe Plus 4.1
Speed Reading, Assessment and Online Reader Software. Improve your reading skills by training with Drills and Games. Track your progress…
History Cleaner 3.13
Clean internet history, cookies, temporary internet files(cache), index.dat files, protect your home page from being modified, clean…

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