Sweet Sixteen MIDI Sequencer 3.27
A comprehensive and powerful MIDI sequencer. Sweet offers Piano Roll, List and Transform edit pages as well as a dedicated Mixer pa…
Advanced MP3 Catalog Reader 2.00
Advanced MP3 Catalog Reader is the free viewing companion to Advanced MP3 Catalog. Advanced MP3 Catalog Reader lets you view, navigate and…
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Home > Face name software

SimplyHTML 10
SimplyHTML works as a text processor but stores documents in HTML and CSS. Features include handling of font styles, images, named styles…
Personal Knowbase 3.0.3
Take control of your notes. Personal Knowbase is the freeform note organizer that makes it easy to manage large amounts of information. It…
9.95 FTP 2.1.4
9.95 FTP is a powerful FTP client with an easy drag & drop user interface that allows you to transfer multiple files at the same time…

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