Mp3 Filter 4.2.4
Mp3 Filter is designed to find duplicates in your music collection, wherever your collection is: Hard drives, Multiple Mp3 CDs, anything…
Metris 1.0
Metris is an accessible Musical Tetris game. Beating this game you are able to quickly recognize scales, modes and chords. No jargo, just…
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Home > Advanced image utility software

MTG Studio 0.5.2
New MTG Software. MTG Studio - Deck MTG Studio is Magic the Gathering® deck editor. The product has various deck creation and editi…
FadeToBlack 2.1.1
Quickly and easily join, split, crop, modify color, rotate, overlay, blur your AVI video files, along with sequences of JPG and BMP images…
Network Clipboard and Viewer
Share Clipboard content on networked computers (wired or wireless). Once the clipboard group/users access are configured, clipboard…

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