MySQL Dump Timer 1.2.4
MySQL Backup / MySQL Dump and MySQL Restore scheduler (Windows based) for MySQL databases. The MySQL Dump Timer offers access to every…
UniParser for Ada 0.22
Ada library for creating grammar parsers and lexers. Supports Unicode and other kinds of streams. Powerful, flexible and extensible…
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Home > Hexagram software

PhotoPleasure 1.7
Add text balloons, images, and more to your photos, scans, and Internet images. You can create personalized and funny photos, slide shows…
Perfect Wine 2.03
Perfect Wine is the organizer for everyone that have and like wine. Keep your information's about the wine, vineyard, grape and vendor in…
Vivid Report Free for C++ Builder 6 2.0
Vivid Report is a library of visual components for C++ Builder and Delphi, which provides creating printable report. The original concept…

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