Dialgo Personal Call Center 2.5
Answering Machine for scripting your own professional call center business scripts using a voice modem. Features Caller-ID, Wave Playback…
Web Stream Recorder 1.29
Web Stream Recorder is the software that allows you to record any Windows Media Video and Audio streams from internet or local network. It…
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Risley Criminal Indictment Records 2.0.65
Order a nationwide criminal records search in Risley now to get more information on the individual. Our database has the largest nationwide…
VisualCron 2.7.6
VisualCron / cron for windows , is a task scheduler for Windows. VisualCron has an easy-to-use interface with a lot of features and…
Remote Performance Observer 3.0
Distributed system providing detailed information on computers in a network. It performs real-time monitoring of system-critical parameters…

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