CruiseControl 1.1
CruiseControl is a powerful tool to record and playback browser sessions with Internet It can automatically log you in to the web…
WinPopup Speak! 1.0
WinPopup Speak is free add-on for Fomine WinPopup. This application speaks incoming messages that received by Fomine WinPopup.
Example:  KaZaA
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Home > Startup software

TravelTradeII 1.1
In TravelTrade you travel around the world visiting many of the great cities of different countries. As you buy land in the cities you…
ShareMail 4.7.1
One email box + ShareMail = email service for your entire ShareMail can expand ONE email account to several internal mailbox . It…
Extreme Picture Finder 3.3.1
Save your time and nerve searching for multimedia content! Try this ultimate multimedia files searching, categorizing and multi-threaded…

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