e-motional Greeting Card Creator 1.20 Email personalized greeting cards using your photos, recorded voice message, sound effects and text. Import images directly from scanner
Flex FX 2.0.2 The Flex FX VST plugin package contains 7 different effect plugins, the Amplitude Modulator, Chaotic Lowpass Filter, Chaotic Highpass
NutriGenie Glucose Revolution Diet 7.7 Award-winning nutrition software with glycemic indices for most common foods, automatic menu generator and unique USDA Food Pyramid
WinPopup Speak! 1.0 WinPopup Speak is free add-on for Fomine WinPopup. This application speaks incoming messages that received by Fomine WinPopup.
DesktopCalendar 1.0 Desktop Calendar 1.0 is a small handy utility that provides you with live calendar for the current month on your desktop wallpaper. The